Maryborough Music Conference 2019

I can’t believe the Maryborough Music Conference is on again already, but this year is going to be a bit different. I have been to every one since it first started in the early 2000s, but always with a trade display and a group of people. It’s been great fun and I have many fond memories of the networking, music making, food and drink!

This year, I will be going for the first time as a delegate. This will be a very different experience, and one I’m really looking forward to.  I’ll get to see so many of the amazing sessions that I normally only got to read about.  Although I haven’t taught for a number of years, I’m still really interested in the latest pedagogical developments in music education and it also helps me appreciate the incredible job and important role that music teachers play in schools and the wider community in general.  I’ll also be able to take part in one of the ensembles in the Gala Concert, instead of just watching. Best of all, I’ll still be able to catch up with many of my “old” music teacher friends!

This different direction for my conference enrollment hasn’t come without its difficult decisions though!!

Firstly, what ensemble to join?  I love singing in choirs as well as playing in concert bands so had to decide.  What tipped me towards the band – my lack of confidence in memorising the lyrics for the choir pieces in only 3 days!  First decision made.

Secondly, what to wear?  It might seem like a simple thing but at every previous conference I’ve worn an Ellaways Music uniform.  Now I actually have to think a little harder!!

Finally, decisions I don’t have to make.  How much time do I need to set up the display? How do I want it to look?  That was always tough so happy to give that a miss this time.

Keep an eye out on Facebook and Instagram this week as I’ll post some highlights from the conference.  Make sure you also subscribe to the Other Music newsletter to keep up to date with the latest happens and events.


Welcome to Other Music

I’m so excited to be writing this first blog and announcing the launch of Other Music. After over 25 years working for someone else in music education retail, it was time to use all that knowledge and experience and do it for myself. Hence, Other Music! It’s been a while in the making and many hours of data input and sitting at the computer. I’ll be happy to not look at another spreadsheet for a while! It’s so worth it though.

Andrew, Sarah & Tyber

To my family and friends who helped keep me sane during this set up time, a huge thank you! I couldn’t have done it without you. Particular mention goes to Andrew Hazzard, my amazing partner, and Tyber, our crazy cattle dog who have both been there every step of the way, making sure I eat, sleep and go for walks like a good human. It was too easy to get stuck behind the computer all day and night getting everything ready. I had to though!!

Enough about me, I’d love you to check out the site and let me know what you think. Your feedback is invaluable and you’re welcome to contact me with any questions, suggestions or orders!

Have a fabulous day and keep an eye out for another blog with more exciting news soon.

Sarah Whiting.